Each year, the 本科生研究奖 honors an outstanding student researcher. Award winners receive $500, recognition at the Symposium of Student Scholars, and 发表于 肯尼索本科生研究杂志 (KJUR).

Learn More About the 本科生研究奖 

  • The 正规博彩十大网站排名 库' 本科生研究奖 is bestowed upon a currently enrolled (or recently graduated) undergraduate student who has demonstrated effective research processes and successful use of Museums, Archives, Rare Books, and Library (MARBL) 资源及服务. This includes utilization of at least one of the following:

    • 在线聊天参考
    • 面对面或虚拟研究咨询
    • 图书馆数据库
    • 实体书和/或电子书
    • GIL Express to borrow materials from other University System of Georgia libraries
    • 馆际互借
    • 档案、珍本或特别收藏 

    One winner receives a $500 prize, which is awarded by the Office of Undergraduate 研究 and disbursed through the 金融援助 department.

    获奖作品将保证在 KJUR 完成修订过程后. 所有亚军文章也将被评审 并考虑在 KJUR.

    获胜者将获得奖品 they have revised and resubmitted their winning paper to the KJUR.

  • Applicants must be currently enrolled undergraduate students at 正规博彩十大网站排名 or recent graduates (最后一个学期内).

    申请人必须准许 KJUR to publish and share their 研究文章 and MARBL研究项目.

  • 申请人必须提交 这两个 a 研究文章 and a project demonstrating their use of MARBL resources.

    研究文章, submit a current research paper you have recently written on any topic or subject 对于任何课程. There are no minimum or maximum length requirements. 大多数提交 5-15页是双倍行距的吗.

    MARBL研究项目, select one of the following project options which highlights MARBL's role in supporting 你的研究文章的创作:


    • Describe how MARBL resources and/or services (see options in 关于奖项 section) were used in the research process and writing of the 研究文章, and how they can improve undergraduate research. 
    • Applicants must refer to their 研究文章 within the application essay.  
    • Essays should follow a standard format including a title and structured paragraphs.  
    • 篇幅:500-700字 
    • 可接受的格式:Word、RTF或PDF  


    • Videos must show how MARBL resources and/or services (see options in 关于奖项 section) were used in the research process and writing of the 研究文章, and how they can improve undergraduate research.  
    • Applicants must provide a link to their video or upload the video 文件. Videos must be formatted to YouTube or Instagram Reel. 
    • Applicants must refer to their 研究文章 within the video.  
    • Video must include a title slide/screen that includes the applicant’s name.  
    • 视频长度:30秒- 2分钟  
    • 联系 希瑟·汉 有任何关于视频上传的问题.
  • The 研究文章 will be evaluated for clarity of writing, originality of ideas, use of MARBL resources, and thoughtful analysis of the research topic.

    The application essay or video will be evaluated for specific mention of MARBL resources and services used, as well as the role of MARBL in your research process.

  • The submission portal is open now until December 6, 2024.


    The deadline to complete your revisions is February 14, 2025.

  • Q: 谁来评判这些申请?

    A: Applications will be evaluated by a panel of 正规博彩十大网站排名 MARBL employees.


    Q: 我刚毕业, but I conducted research and wrote a paper during my undergraduate education which I’d like to submit for publication. 我有资格申请这个奖项吗?

    A: Yes, but only if you have graduated within the last semester.


    Q: 我可否每年递交多于一份申请?

    A: No, you may only submit one award application per year. 但是,你可以提交 多篇文章 KJUR 与这个奖项分开.


    Q: 奖金会影响我的经济资助吗?

    A:请联系 奖学金和财政援助办公室 with questions regarding any impact monetary awards might have on your specific financial 援助情况.


    Q: What is the 数字共享@正规博彩十大网站排名?

    A: DigitalCommons@Kennesaw州立大学 is a digital repository of the intellectual and creative output of the university 九大社区. This includes theses and dissertations, student work, faculty publications and books, journals, conference proceedings, and more.


  • 点击这里开始提交过程.
  • 在系统中创建一个帐户. 您将被重定向到上传页面.
  • Complete the Article Submission Agreement, fill in the required information fields, and include metadata for your 研究文章 (i.e. 标题、摘要、关键词等.).
  • 上传你的研究文章.
  • At the bottom of the upload form, attach your MARBL研究项目 as a supplemental 文件.
  • 提交填妥的申请表.
  • The manager of the 本科生研究奖 will contact you if there are any issues with your submission. 


2023/2024:安娜·普尔(获奖); Honor, Violence, and Recovery: The Stripping of Female Agency During the Partition 印度的

2023/2024:安德鲁·布拉姆利特(亚军); 托马斯·R. Marshall: Progressive Era Politics, a Presidential Hoax, and the 1920 Election

2023/2024:英格丽德·贝克(亚军); The Introduction and Spread of Kudzu in Georgia

2022/2023 -凯特琳·吉恩·科贾利(冠军) 手稿的生存:抵抗, 采用, and Adaptation to Gutenberg’s Printing Press in Early Modern Europe

2022/2023 -安娜·K. 普尔(亚军) Reckoning Roanoke: A Historiographical Examination of the Lost Colony

2020/2021 -劳伦·坎贝尔, 《她无法克服:多么种族, 性别, and Jim Crow Shaped One of Georgia’s Gravest Miscarriages of Justice (Unpublished)

2019/2020 - Cadi Martin, Exploring Cedar Songmaker's Native Identity in Louise Erdrich's 永生上帝的未来家园(未出版)

2017/2018 - Sagi Shaier, A Mathematical Model for the Effect of Domestic Animals on Human African Trypanosomiasis (昏睡病)

2016/2017 - Kylah Pollard和Sarai Bauguess; Prevalence and Incidence of Health Risk Factors Among Adolescent Girls

2015/2016 - Angelica E. 佩雷斯, Silhouettes of a Silent Female's Authority: A Psychoanalytic and Feminist Perspective 卡拉·沃克的艺术

Questions about the award can be sent to its manager, Chelsee Dickson, Assistant Director for Scholarly Publishing and 研究.

Questions about the 数字共享@正规博彩十大网站排名 can be sent to digitalcommons@肯尼索.edu.